Family Solutions

"Think of your family today and every day thereafter, don’t let the busy world of today keep you from showing how much you love and appreciate your family."


Solutions for Families and Individuals

The Eisner Gohn Group, LLC provides individuals and families with insurance plans to help them grow, protect and conserve their wealth through all stages in life. Taking into account your needs, goals and tolerance to risk, we will work with you to bring clarity to where you’re going and how to get there. Some of our key services are detailed below.

Retirement Planning

We work with our clients and their team of advisors to design and implement a variety of retirement income strategies, offering insurance products and other financial solutions. We offer a consistent process to help ensure that financial strategies reflect your risk tolerances and goals. We then monitor your strategy on a continual basis, and adjust and evolve as your needs change.

Estate Planning

A well-engineered estate conservation plan can help minimize tax liability and ensure that loved ones are protected. We will work with you and your other professionals to assess the impact of state and federal taxes on your estate and suggest strategies to help minimize those taxes while meeting your personal philosophies and family needs.

Asset Protection

There are numerous financial strategies and retirement income solutions that can help you accumulate assets for the future, shield your business and personal assets from liabilities, and safeguard asset transfer to children and grandchildren. We can help you figure out what the right course of action is for your specific situation and objectives.

Charitable Planning

Charitable planning allows you to support the organizations and causes that matter to you, while often providing immediate income streams and reducing your tax burden. Numerous charitable giving strategies exist, and we can help you design and execute a charitable giving strategy that is in alignment with your personal and philanthropic goals.

Disability and Extended Care Needs

To execute a sound retirement strategy, asset and income protection are a must. Designing a plan that encompasses managing costs for extended periods of care and disability insurance can help create the necessary balance in a portfolio to ensure stability and protection of assets.

401(k) and IRA Rollovers

When you leave a job or retire, you have a decision to make regarding your 401(k) money. While leaving those assets in the former employer’s plan is an option, a rollover can be a strong consideration. We can help you determine the right course of action for you. This may include: leaving the funds in your existing plan, if permitted, or rolling them into your new employer's plan, if on is available and rollovers are permitted. Each choice offers advantages and disadvantages, depending on your specific needs and retirement plan, such as the desired investment options and services, applicable fees, expenses, and withdrawal options, as well as required minimum distributions and tax treatment of applicable options.

Before rolling over the proceeds of your retirement plan to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or annuity, consider whether you would benefit from other possible options such as leaving the funds in your existing plan or transferring them into a new employer’s plan. You should consider the specific terms and rules that relate to each option including: the available investment options, applicable fees and expenses, the services offered, the withdrawal options, the potential flexibility around taking IRS required minimum distributions from the option, tax consequences of withdrawals and of removing shares of employer stock from your plan, possible protection from creditors and legal judgments and your unique situation. Neither New York Life Insurance Company nor its agents provide tax or legal advice. Consult your own tax and or legal advisors regarding your particular situation.

Special Needs Planning

Special needs planning is personal to us as we share a common thread with you and your family. Our daughter was born with significant disabilities; we understand the sleepless nights the judgmental stares and the endless love required. Special needs planning can seem difficult and confusing, it doesn't need to be! We will listen with a compassionate ear to your needs, concerns and desires. We will work together to create a plan that meets your objectives while staying inside your budget.

Life Insurance

Many people think that life insurance is only for people with families. While it is true that life insurance can help provide for the needs of dependents, life insurance also can be an important part of a well-thought-out estate, business succession or charitable giving plan. And permanent life insurance offers many living benefits as well, such as tax-deferred cash value accumulation. For all of these reasons, life insurance can be important for someone starting out – or for someone who's starting over.

Whole Life

Whole Life insurance is also known as permanent insurance. You receive coverage for your entire life, as long as premiums (which are a set amount per period) are paid. Whole life policies accumulate cash value tax-deferred.

Term Life

Term Life policies provide coverage for a specific amount of time – such as 5 years, 10 years or 20 years. Term premiums are often less expensive than whole life premiums, but once the term of the policy is complete, coverage terminates. There is no accumulation of cash value.

Universal Life

Like Whole Life, Universal Life is a permanent insurance policy, which means that it covers you for your entire life, as long as premiums are paid. Universal life, however, offers you flexibility that enables you to change your premiums and death benefit as your needs change.

The policy will terminate if at any time the cash surrender value is insufficient to pay the monthly deductions. This can happen due to insufficient premium payments, if loans or withdrawals are made, or if current interest rates or charges fluctuate.

Variable Universal Life

Variable Universal Life Insurance combines the premium and death benefit flexibility of a Universal Life policy with investment opportunities. You may allocate your premium amongst a variety of professionally managed investment divisions plus a fixed account. Of course, with investment opportunities comes risk along with the potential for reward.

These products are offered by prospectus through NYLIFE Securities LLC. (member FINRA/SIPC) and a Licensed insurance Agency. Be sure to request one and read it carefully before investing as both the product and investment options prospectuses provide complete information you need to know regarding charges, expenses and risk factors.

Survivorship Life

Survivorship life insurance – is often used to help meet estate planning, special needs planning, business continuation or philanthropic goals.


An annuity is a unique financial vehicle designed to help you accumulate money for your retirement and/or turn a lump-sum of money into a guaranteed stream of income payments. Deferred annuities offer the advantage of tax-deferral and can be used to accumulate money for retirement. Income annuities are used to generate a stream of income payments that is guaranteed to last for as long as you need it to – even for the rest of your life*. Some of the different types of annuities are:

*Guarantees are dependent upon the claims paying ability of the issuing insurer.

Fixed Interest Deferred Annuities

With a Fixed Interest Deferred Annuity, the interest rate on your policy is guaranteed* never to fall below a certain amount. For many people, this provides a measure of security.

Subject to a sales charge for early withdrawals and may be subject to income tax. Withdrawls prior to 59.5 are subject to a 10% tax penalty.
*Guarantees are dependent upon the claims paying ability of the issuing insurer.

Lifetime Income Annuities

An income annuity where income payments begin immediately - one period after the annuity is purchased. It is designed to provide you with predictable income monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, no matter how long you live, and regardless of how the financial markets perform.

All guarantees associated with Annuity Contracts are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Withdrawals may be subject to regular income tax, and if made prior to age 59 1/2, may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty. In addition surrender charges may apply.

Variable Deferred Annuities

A Variable Deferred Annuity offers the advantage of tax deferral and can be used to accumulate money for retirement. The policy’s accumulated value – and sometimes the amount of monthly annuity benefit payments – fluctuates with the performance of your variable investment account options. There are fees, expenses and risks associated with the contract. Please be aware that assets allocated to the investment divisions are subject to market risks and will fluctuate in value.

Offered through NYLIFE Securities LLC (member FINRA/SIPC), and a Licensed Insurance Agency.